GMTK Game Jam 2024 - DevLog #1

Hi, Daugsilius here.

GMTK Game Jam 2024 has just started, and I'm very excited to take part in it this year.

I discovered this jam about 3 years ago. And for the last 2 years, since I got into game development for real, I've been looking forward to participating. The dates just did not work out in 2022 and 2023.

But this year is a prolonged weekend thanks to French bank holidays, and the jam lasts for 4 days ! Perfect time :D

This years's theme is "Built To Scale".

Very interesting ! It could apply to the game itself (supporting a scalable number of online multiplayer session in a 4-day jam would be incredible !), to some element in the game's world (futuristic spaceships that can grow in size based on the crew's number, anyone ?), or obviously something built by the players themselves  through gameplay (factorio and most city builders come to mind).

Beyond physical size, for me "scale" evokes weighing scales and notions of justice, balance and sustainability. I also saw people discussing musical scales, which will probably lead to very cool approaches.

I have several ideas for now, but I'm not decided. The interpretation that inspires me most so far is trying to build some structure (from a finite and possibly randomized set of resources) of both sides of a scale. The "parts" need to be put carefully to not tilt the scales too much, and there is a goal to achieve on each side of the scale. Sort of physics based puzzle with probably multiple solutions. But I'm not entirely sold on that for now.

I have some personal goals for systems or mechanics that I've never worked on and would like to integrate in this game. I have to also factor that in to pick an idea that seems cool AND checks some of these boxes. More on that when I've picked my game concept.

Next update tomorrow :)

Get Tower of Scales - GMTK Game Jam 2024